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Frequently Asked Questions

TLM Wholesale FAQ

Q - I don’t quite qualify for an account at based on my expected annual sales volume. What are my options?

A - Wholesale account requirements are $10,000 minimum annual order volume, and a $250 minimum order size. If you don't meet those minimums, go ahead and make an application with your actual estimated annual spend. We may have other options for you based on your annual spend.

Q - What does ‘spot’ wholesale mean? 

A - Spot wholesale means bulk seed in pre-packed sizes and available for immediate shipment. Spot orders have no special requests or conditions associated with them. Special requests or conditions might include, international ship destinations, specific lot requests, phytosanitary or other paperwork, scheduled delivery dates, custom sizing, specific testing like microbial or pathogen, etc… All orders placed online will be considered spot orders, and will ship promptly.

Q - What if I have occasional needs that fall outside of spot, including international orders, special testing, scheduled delivery, etc…? 

A - We can certainly accommodate any special requests, but please do not place your special request orders online. Instead, contact your sales representative, to place your order. We will do our best to accommodate your needs. Please note, that non-spot orders will not ship promptly. Non-spot orders may take several weeks to process.

Q - How do I know who my dedicated sales representative is?

A - Once you are logged into your account, click here for information on your dedicated account representative. You can also find that info by clicking on contact us, in the top right of the header on every page, while logged in.

Q - There are some varieties available at that are not available at Why is that?

A - We grow and process several million pounds of vegetable, herb and flower seeds every year in our operations in the Central Valley of California. We also contract with growers and production companies world wide to produce additional seed in large volumes. We are able to offer wholesale pricing on our own production and contract production. However we are unable to offer wholesale pricing on many items we do not produce. As such, you may find products at that are not available here on 

Q - Will you be adding more varieties to

A - We do accept requests to offer products from to list on with wholesale pricing. Contact your sales representative to make the request. While not all requests can be accommodated, if feasible we will try to make it available here at wholesale.

Q - In some cases I’m looking for seeds in smaller quantities than the smallest bulk size offered here. What are my options?

A - offers only bulk sizes. Smaller sizes are available at

Q - Can I order in size increments different from the standard sizes offered? For example I need 27 pounds of a particular variety.

A - We have designed TLMWholesale with the goal of offering quality seeds at competitive prices with FAST order processing and delivery. As such, we fill orders from pre-pack sizes, and we do not offer custom sizes, which much be filled-to-order and dramatically slow down order processing. So, in a case where you need 27 lbs of seed of a particular variety, you will need to order one 25 Lb size and two 1 lb sizes to equal your 27 lb requirement.

Q - How long will it take for my order to ship, after I place my order online?

A - We make every effort to ship your order as quickly as possible. For smaller orders shipping via standard carriers like UPS, FedEx or USPS, those orders should ship out within one or two business days. Larger orders that will ship via LTL, require additional processing time, and should ship out within 3 to 5 business days.

Q - What is the relationship between True Leaf Market and Seeds by Design?

A - Both brands are owned by the same private ownership group. Most of the bulk seeds offered at are seeds grown and produced by our Seeds By Design production operation in the Central Valley of California.

Q - Do you offer free shipping?

A - No, all wholesale orders are subject to a shipping and handling fee, which is calculated at checkout.

Q - Can I arrange my own shipping with my preferred carrier?

A - Not at this time.


Q - Most wholesale seed suppliers charge for things like packaging, pallets, pails, tri-walls, etc. What should I expect?

A - We do not itemize fees for pallets or other packaging materials. Instead, they are included in our handling and shipping fees, calculated at checkout. So you should not expect any hidden charges or fees other than the price of the seed, and the shipping and handling charge.


Q - Each product page displays a 'minimum germination rate'. How do I interpret that?

A - At any given moment, we may have have only 1 lot of a particular seed, or we may have have several lots. We do regular germination testing on every individual lot, so in a case where we have multiple lots of the same variety of seed, we may have a range of germination rates based on the most recent test results. On the product pages, we do not display the germination rate for each lot, we only display the lowest germination rate from all available lots.  For example if we have 3 lots of a particular variety, with germination rates of 85%, 87% and 91%, respectively, we would only display the 85%. When you receive your shipment, the lot number, germination rate and other required data will be printed on the bag. You may receive a bag from any of the 3 lots. So, you may receive a bag with a germination rate higher than the minimum shown on the product page, but you won't receive a bag with lower than the minimum. If the minimum germination rate displayed on the product page is not acceptable to you, please do not order it online.


Q - What if I would like a shipment from the highest germination lot you have available? 

A - We can accommodate you, however, we don't offer that service for online spot orders on this website. This website is built for speed of shipment, and we don't allow any special requests that slow processing. You may contact your sales rep to find out availability of lots by germination rate, and place your order with them. However this order does not go through the rapid spot order processing system, and from order to shipment may take several weeks or more to process.


Q - Does offer rewards points?

A - No.


Q - Does accept rewards points from

A - No. If you have rewards points on, you will need to redeem them there.



FAQ - Kitazawa Asian Seed Packets Wholesale - Retailer Program


Q - Where do I learn more about the Kitazawa Packet Retail Program?

A - You can learn more here, or you can contact us for questions.


Q - How do I know who my dedicated sales representative is?

A - Once you are logged into your account, click here for information on your dedicated account representative. You can also find that info by clicking on contact us, in the top right of the header on every page, while logged in.


Q - Are there minimum order size, or annual purchase requirements for Wholesale Packets?

A - There is a minimum order size of $100, but there is no annual minimum purchase requirement. The only requirement is a brick and mortar retail location.


Q - What kind of margins can I expect for Kitazawa Seed Packets?

A - Suggested retail price of each packet is $3.99, but you are free to price them as you see fit. Wholesale cost is on a tiered based on quantity of packets you purchase:

  • 149 Packets or less - $2.75 each - Margin 31%
  • 150 Packets to 349 Packets - $2.48 each - Margin 38%
  • 350 Packets to 599 Packets - $2.20 each - Margin 45%
  • 600 Packets or more - $1.93 each - Margin 51%

Our pre-configured display racks include the cardboard display and the full assortment of packets for the display, and may be priced at a starter discount. See the pre-configured display product pages for margin details.


Q - How do I place an order?

A - If you received a print catalog in the mail, you may order off the order form in the catalog. You may also call your sales rep to place an order, or if you have been set up with an online account, you can order online at this website. If you do not have an account but would like to be set up, you can apply here, and a sales rep will contact your shortly.


Q - Can I reuse my display racks year after year?

A - Absolutely.


Q - I want to carry Kitazawa Seed Packets, but my store is not an Asian Market?

A - As long as you have a brick and mortar store, and you believe you have demand for these specialty seeds, we can get you set up.


Q - Can I order mid-season to refill my display racks?

A - Absolutely.


Q - What if I have leftover packets at the end of the year?

A - We do not take end of the year returns. We recommend running a clearance as the prime gardening season winds down.


Q - What are payment terms for Kitazawa Wholesale Seed Packs?

A - All orders must be paid at the time of shipping. We accept credit card, or you can mail in a check or money order. You may apply for credit terms after you have placed your 3rd order with us.


Q - Do you offer free shipping?

A - No. Shipping is calculated at checkout.

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