About 7 days. Grow amazingly sweet and delicious corn shoots. Amazing taste and stunning yellow shoots make this a uniquely delightful microgreen to grow.
Sweet corn microgreen shoots are easy to grow and will grow well on soil or a hydroponic grow mat, but we prefer soil for this amazing micro. There are a few key differences with the growing technique of this micro from most other micros. With corn shoots you must harvest at around 7 days. If grown longer than that they begin to develop their leaves which are very fibrous and not good to eat.
*** Grow yellow popcorn microgreen shoots in the dark the entire time. Exposure to light will cause them to turn green and develop fibers. The flavor also changes considerably. Try a cabinet or bin of some kind to keep out the light ***
Corn shoots are incredibly sweet and make a great garnish for salads or other dishes in which you want a sweet flavor. The flavor is so intensely sweet it has to be experienced to be understood.
Vitamins A, B, C, and E, calcium, chlorophyll, and magnesium
Growing Info
8 hours in cold water
Preferred Growing Medium:
Soil (highly preferred) or Hydroponic
Seeding Rate per 10"x 20" tray:
Amounts may vary, we recommend 8-12 oz
Blackout Time:
Keep in the dark the entire time
Germination Time:
2-3 days
Estimated time to Harvest:
About 7 days
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