Organic Brown Flax Seed - Canadian Brown Flaxseed
Brown Flax as a Garden Plant
Brown flax produces lovely red and blue flowers that can grow to be close to 2 feet in height, which makes them well-suited as a garden ornamental. In order for brown flax plants to thrive, they need full sun with well-drained, loose, and sandy soils that are cleared from weeds. Heavy clay or soil that is too damp does not support the growth of brown flax. Brown flax can be planted in early spring as it is a hardy plant that can withstand spring frosts. If you choose to plant through direct seeding, rake the soil and broadcast the seeds, followed by a thorough watering. You may also plant brown flax as a potted plant. Use a pot that is at least 1 foot deep and has quite a few drainage holes.
Popular Uses
Flaxseed, also known as linseed, must be consumed in a ground state in order to acquire the nutritional benefits associated with it, as whole flax seeds are not broken down and pass through the digestive tract. We recommend purchasing whole brown flax seed and grinding the seed in a coffee grinder to get the amount you need for a recipe (see below in the Health Benefits section for a more detailed explanation behind this). Flaxseed can be mixed into oatmeal, yogurt, cereal, or a smoothie. Experiment with mixing ground flaxseed into all of your baked goods in order to add in extra fiber. 1 tablespoon of ground brown flax meal can be mixed with 2 tablespoons of water to create an excellent egg substitute, thanks to its binding abilities when combined with water. Brown flaxseed has a slightly nutty flavor when consumed alone, however, this flavor is typically undetectable when the ground seed is incorporated into recipes. Flaxseed can be added to casseroles, sauces, dressings, soups, and stews; the options are truly unlimited!
- baked goods
- breakfast foods
- savoury dishes
- egg substitute
Brown flax belongs to the family Linaceae; its botanical name is Linum Usitatissimum. This Latin name literally means "Ëœvery useful" and it has been grown throughout the world for its versatility. Some believe that brown flax was first grown in Egypt, as linen clothing has been found in ancient tombs. The flax plant was used in colonial American times as a popular textile as well. The fibers come from the sturdy plant stalk and make durable clothing and paper goods.
Health Benefits
One of the primary benefits of purchasing whole flax seeds and grinding them yourself is the preservation of the integrity of the oils within the seed. The types of oils in brown flaxseed are dubbed polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAS). PUFAs are highly susceptible to oxidation (the process through which a substance gains or loses an electron when exposed to oxygen.) Oxidation results in free-radicals, which in excess, can cause a myriad of health issues. In order to avoid this, it is best to purchase whole brown flax seed and grind it yourself. Once it has been exposed to oxygen and heat, flax oil can become rancid within a few hours. When preserved properly, brown flax oil can be a great addition to a healthy diet. The whole flax seed can be stored for up to a year at room temperature if it is stored correctly in a cool and dry place.
Once you have ensured that you are storing flax properly, you can begin to reap its many nutritional rewards! Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, shellfish, and flax seeds. This makes flax seeds an excellent option for vegans who want to obtain these beneficial compounds. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to support a healthy cardiovascular and nervous system. Flax oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a plant-based form of omega 3 fatty acid, that is linked to decreased inflammation. Additionally, brown flax oil contains linoorbitides and lignans, both of which are cancer-fighting compounds. A two-tablespoonful serving of flaxseed has around 100 calories and has nearly 3 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. Ground flaxseed has a substantial amount of magnesium and vitamin B1. Brown flax contains substantial quantities of fiber, a necessary component of any diet because it provides support to the digestive system and intestinal tract.